Did you know that over two million Americans experience whiplash every year? This condition occurs when your neck suddenly moves backward, then forward (much like the cracking of a whip). For some people, the sudden movement causes temporary discomfort. Others, however, experience chronic pain and complications.

At Synergy Health, we’re committed to treating whiplash symptoms through holistic, non-surgical solutions that address the root cause of pain. Let’s explore our unique treatments and how our neck pain specialists in Naples can help you.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Whiplash?

Unlike other neck pain conditions, whiplash isn’t something you can get from genetics—rather, it’s associated with accidents. The majority of whiplash cases are caused by car collisions. However, whiplash can also arise after a sports injury or sudden fall. While symptoms can vary, most patients experience the following:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Stiffness and difficulty turning
  • Fatigue and irritability
  • Concentration problems

With treatment, many people recover within a few weeks. In more serious cases, however, pain can persist for several months.

What Treatments Are There for Whiplash?

At Synergy Health, we specialize in personalized whiplash solutions that deliver results without requiring surgery. Our top neck pain treatment options include the following:

  • Trigger point injections: Trigger point injections are used to reduce the pain caused by chronic Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrP) or “knots” in the muscles. At Synergy Health, we use a steroid free approach with trigger point injections, which allows the practitioner to inject the area more frequently, leading to a reduction in the size of the MTrP as well as a reduction in the pain caused by the MTrP.
  • Chiropractic adjustments: This treatment involves gently manipulating the spine and neck to realign vertebrae. Not only does this ease neck pain, but it also improves joint function and mobility.
  • Non-surgical joint treatments: We offer a wide range of non-surgical therapies designed to increase joint function, including hyaluronic acid and homeopathic injections. One of our most innovative non-surgical treatments is PRP therapy, which uses the naturally healing properties of your plasma to reduce pain and quicken recovery.
  • Cold laser therapy: This innovative treatment utilizes laser therapy, or light energy, to increase healing. Once it passes skin layers, the laser becomes absorbed by cells and starts repairing damaged and injured tissues.
  • Therapeutic massage: During a therapeutic massage, our experts gently stretch soft body tissues and muscles to increase blood flow, which boosts flexibility while reducing tension. To enhance relaxation, we can incorporate hot stones, aromatherapy, and a fascia blaster.
  • Dry Needling: Dry Needling uses precise needle placement to reset trigger points or “knots” in the muscles by releasing tension, reducing pain, and improving mobility.
    All of our treatments can be combined with personalized physical therapy regimes, culminating in a holistic plan tailored around your unique needs.

Discover Unique Neck Pain Treatments at Synergy Health

Dealing with pain after whiplash? We offer an experienced team of neck pain doctors, physicians, massage therapists and chiropractors, all working together to provide custom, compassionate care. After assessing your condition, we’ll devise an innovative, non-surgical plan that will help you overcome symptoms and reclaim a pain-free life. Schedule your appointment today!