Eradicate Back Pain With Help From Synergy Health!

Did you know that 65 million Americans suffer from back pain? Of those, 16 million have chronic pain they live with on a daily basis. At Synergy Health, we provide an alternative to painkillers and surgery, and our clients receive healing treatment plans designed to provide back pain relief in Naples.

The Synergy Health Difference

The name Synergy Health refers to our cooperative team of chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, physicians, and fitness professionals. We work together to provide drug-free, non-surgical solutions for back pain.

Conditions Commonly Treated

A number of conditions can cause or aggravate back pain. For expedited healing that addresses the core issues, you can trust our experienced chiropractor for the right diagnosis and treatment plan.

We treat the following common causes of back pain, to name a few:

  • Sciatica
  • Herniated Disc
  • Radiating Pain
  • Chronic Lower Back Pain
  • Degenerative Disc
  • Low Back Stiffness
  • Failed Back Surgery

Diagnosing the condition is just the first step to getting you back in shape. You may even notice an improvement in your general athletic performance. When it doesn’t hurt, you’re able to push yourself a little further to rebuild your strength.

Services Offered

The Synergy Health team provides the following services to eradicate back pain for our clients:

  • Chiropractic Care: Using the latest technology and techniques combined with an ancient art form, chiropractic care for back pain typically involves manual adjustment to help the body heal naturally.
  • Physical Therapy: This treatment helps restore functionality and mobility following an injury. We provide treatment including everything from an initial diagnosis through the preventative stages of recovery.
  • Therapeutic Massage: Who doesn’t love a relaxing massage? Our massage therapist stretches the back muscles to release tension and improve blood flow. That can lead to improved flexibility and promote healing. With less tension, you can also experience back pain relief.
  • Non-Surgical Joint Treatments: If you prefer treatment that doesn’t involve surgery and medication, non-surgical joint treatments could provide pain relief and set your body on the road to renewed health.
  • Injection Therapy: Some back pain derives from pressure points, areas where the muscles knot up and become tender. By targeting these areas with the right medication, we can prevent the pain from worsening and spreading to other areas.
  • Advanced Laser Therapy: This procedure involves penetrating the skin with a laser to alleviate back pain.

Back Pain Help in Naples

Are you ready to say hello to our competent back pain doctor? Contact us for your comprehensive assessment! We have everything under one roof to help you feel your best. We are committed to Making Naples Better.